Welcome to BackBody live!

Hi everybody! Meegan here. Welcome to our brand-spanking new online member platform, Backbody Live.  We’re thrilled to have you here. It’s been a long time in the making, but we’re finally ready for you, so thanks so much for joining us!

I decided to make the switch from our drop-in class schedule to a subscription model for a few reasons, but reason number one is accessibility. I want to make BBP workouts more available to you at any time of day, more able to meet your needs in terms of times and class types, and more affordable all-around.

With that, here are some of our plans for this new platform in the next few weeks: 

  • Every class, after it streams, is available to you for five days. So you can stop it, start it, or skip it and have another workout ready in the queue. 

  • Classes will continue to be taught live (not pre-recorded) because, if you’re like us, you want that real class feel! I need to know other people are sweating/swearing/suffering with me, know what I mean? There is an endless sea of workouts you can choose to stream online, but we want you to actually get to know us. Whether you’re taking class from Minneapolis (shout out to Liz W!) or Vermont (what’s up, Rhea!), or are one of our original BBP crew in PDX (heyyy, Saturday team!), we want to hear from you! Just like IRL. Almost.

  • You’ve asked for a variety of class lengths, and we’re delivering. Expect 60-minute classes with some BBP Express classes thrown in for good measure ( 35-45 minutes), PLUS extra short burst of cardio for an afternoon pick-me-up. (First one is this Friday—a ten minute jump choreography session to break up your afternoon taught by Ms. Katy Stugis).

  • Different class options? Maybe! We’re going to test a JUMP-FREE CLASS. I know. Don’t freak out. We’re never going to abandon jumping, but sometimes you just can’t get hyped enough to jump your ass off in your living room (like if you have a slight hangover or if your baby woke up three times in the night, or worse, both). Stay tuned. (And if you remember GroundWork from back in the day, we’ll be conjuring some of that energy.)

  • Workshops. We used to teach a glute activation workshop and it was bomb. We’re going to try it again here, virtually, plus other workshops on topics like the pelvic floor (my personal fave in this moment since I just had a baby 7 months ago), postpartum workout modifications, and more. 

Ok, gang. Can’t wait to hear your feedback as we get this going! If you have requests, send them our way! Email us at team@backbodyproject.com and we promise we’ll respond. 

OH and last thing! READ THIS IF YOU HAVE CLASSES IN YOUR CURRENT BBP ACCOUNT and WANT TO MIGRATE TO BBP LIVE (no, seriously, read this): As of today, we are no longer using MindBody Online for online classes (shoutout to Kelly for teaching the last class on our old site!). If you want a credit for the value of your leftover classes, do this: 

  1. Buy a founding membership for BBP Live and forward us the receipt to team@backbodyproject.com (not a receipt of your class pack on MBO—I have all that info on my end). 

  2. I will issue you a credit to apply to future months on your BBP Live subscription. 

  3. Expect your credit to show up in the next week!

That’s it for now! Have a great week.



Foam rolling seriously helps your BBP practice…