Human Design: A quick and dirty primer by Jenni Johnson
Gang, I’m super stoked to have Jenni Johnson as my guest on the blog today. She’s the friend who led me to Human Design several years ago at a backyard BBQ in Portland. I had never heard of it before that day and it seriously opened my eyes to understanding myself in a brand new way.
In brief: Human Design, you guys, is where it’s at.
I know it sounds like a cross between a cult and some kind of freaky transhumanist lab creation, but no! It’s both practical and useful, and in my experience, way more comprehensive than reading an astrological chart (though there are elements of that within Human Design).
Human Design, not graphic design, obviously.
When I learned that I’m a Projector (not in the psychological projection sense of that word, but a totally specialized terminology specific to Human Design… though shit. I probably also project with the best of them), everything suddenly made sense. It’s why I’m someone who recognizes patterns and more efficient ways of doing things. It’s why I’m a natural guide and teacher. And it’s also why I get big inspiration and can knock out a whole bunch of work related to whatever’s inspiring me, but then once I deplete that, I go dormant for a number of days/weeks. Unlike a Generator (another Human Design type), who can work and work and work, that’s just not me. I’m a Big Energy person and then… not “No Energy” exactly, but more like “No Interest,” until inspiration comes around again inevitably a few weeks later.
Do you know your Human Design type? It’s confusing AF when you first look at your chart, but with a few tools, you can decipher your chart (or anyone else’s in your life–kids, husbands, sisters, etc, and they will make so much more sense to you!).
And with that, here’s Jenni on Human Design. Find her at her website Higher House ( where she leads entrepreneurs (aspiring or otherwise) in the creation of businesses built upon personal alignment. AND, she integrates Human Design work into all of her programs.
By Jenni Johnson
The lovely Jenni Johnson in her natural habitat: the deserts of Scottsdale, AZ.
Human Design. Have you heard of it?! It’s trending right now, but unlike most things that trend, it’s incredibly useful and applicable to everyone.
My first initiation into HD came several years ago when I learned that, as a Generator, I’m designed to use joy and passion as my guideposts to decipher what to lean into and what to let go or steer clear of. Sounds easy, right? That’s because it is. And, when you understand how to apply your Human Design chart to real life, it feels like arriving home after a long ass flight.
While every design is unique to each person, all designs are similar in that they all show us how to live our most aligned and fulfilling life in a tangible way. Think of HD as a self-awareness tool. It shows us HOW we can decipher what and who deserve our energy. And, equally important, it shows us HOW to make decisions in a way that brings fulfillment and is best received and supported by the people in our lives.
Whether you’re a mom looking to better understand your child’s nature, a person seeking to better communicate and understand your partner, or a leader or business owner interested in strengthening workplace empathy and collaboration, Human Design supports in a big way.
So, what is it? Human Design is a system that merges science and spirituality using astrology, the chakra system, the I-Ching, and the Kabbalah. Each chart is created based upon birth date, birth time and birthplace. (There are over 7 billion possible combinations, which is just one way it differs from other human archetype systems such as the Enneagram.) And yet, even with so many possible variations, there’s an element of practicality and simplicity that lies within the system that allows even the novice to tap into key ideas that create a big impact.
If you feel called to dive deep or if you’re just looking for an excuse to avoid talking about Covid with your Uncle – again - below are two resources I think you’ll love.
Jenna Zoe’s Human Design app, called My Human Design
Chetan Parkyn’s book, called Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be
p.s. Meegan again… I have one more book to add to your Human Design study: Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology by Karen Curry. My favorite. I have given it to countless friends (Ok, that’s not true— I think I’ve given it to 7 different friends at this point, so very countable. Hope you enjoyed hearing a little tidbit from Jenni and let us know your experience with Human Design!
Until next time, babes!
- Meegan