10 Questions with BBP Instructor Taylor Duty: A Lightning Round.
Taylor and her best-in-show dog, Rooster.
(Yes, she really has a show dog.)
Gang, Taylor is my muse.
I adore this woman. She inspires me and I love her classes for their creativity and the little tidbits of science she drops throughout her sequencing. We talk endlessly about fitness and health as it relates to current research, plus she’s funny as hell and a genuine breath of fresh air. There’s no one else like her: Think fitness instructor + attorney + gamer + marathon runner and all-around totally accomplished athlete + former acapella singer/animal lover/voracious reader, and consummate early riser.
So anyway, I had a few questions for Taylor and put them in a lightning-round form. I forgot to ask one thing though, which is has she ever overslept for anything in her life? but alas, I’ll have to get that answer later. And as for me, I’ve slept through enough appointments for the both of us.
Now back to Taylor:
Best concert you’ve ever been to?
Tie between Kendrick Lamar/SZA and Odesza.
Name one concert you NEED TO SEE before you die?
I feel like I should say Taylor Swift. But I will go with Beyoncè. Or Bruce Springsteen—maybe they’ll tour together someday?
Recommend three books we won’t be able to put down.
Current: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver; Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid; Classic: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
Favorite TV series?
The Mandalorian, Mindhunter, Gilmore Girls
Karaoke jam?
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette (did you know I was featured on my college A Cappella group’s album singing this song?)
Favorite BBP move?
Curtsey lunge/squat/jump squat combo
Where’d you grow up?
Born and raised in Portland!
Best job you’ve ever had besides teaching fitness?
I am lucky to love being a lawyer —working at my current firm is a dream job.
Podcast you love?
Huberman Lab, of course. I also just finished “Scamanda” and it is a must-listen.
Tell us one quirky thing about Taylor (guessing it’s your wake-up time, but you tell us!)
I’m sure a lot of people would consider waking up earlier than 5am “quirky” —ha. I also never wash my face before bed which drives most people crazy.
p.s. I just asked her and why yes, she’s overslept for exactly three 6am classes in TEN years of teaching. So there you have it, people. She’s just like us!